Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Computer Science 0984 | Past paperđź“„

Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science-0984 (9-1) past papers are arranged to enable its learners to gain high grades in the final examination. To get an idea of important topics and repeated topics I prepare Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science-0984 past papers. After preparing the complete Computer Science Specimen, I understand the marking scheme and grading threshold that enable me to compile whole content into different chunks. In its specimen, I understand the fundamental computing and programming concepts that enabled me to choose this subject for further studies.

Download Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science-0984 Past papers.

I learned the technical skills of problem-solving and enhanced my critical thinking skills. The Computer Science-0984 specimen for IGCSE is the same as the Computer Science-0478; the main difference between them is the grading scale. Its grading scale is 9 to 1.

The IGCSE Computer Science-0984 grading threshold is 9 to 1 which enabled me to prepare for the final examination. Cambridge updated its grading threshold for each examination. The grading threshold enabled me to understand the marking criteria and other requirements for gaining high grades. Grade 9 is assigned to gaining 46 marks out of 75. Previous years’ exams helped students understand the marking scheme and grading threshold, so I can understand which topics I should consider to gain high grades in the final examination. 

Assessment Overview Computer Science-0984

The specimen is assessed by two papers. The complete syllabus content is divided into two papers. For paper 1, I prepared the theoretical content from chapters 1 to 6. I prepare syllabi for objective and short questions. I prepare repeated and important topics with which I can easily gain high grades. For paper 2 I prepared practical topics like programming fundamentals that enabled me to explore my career in programming. I prepared short and structured questions to qualify in paper 2.

Paper 1
1 hour 45 minutes
75 marks 50%
Computer Systems
Short-answer and structured questions
Questions will be based on Topics 1–6 of the subject content.
All questions are compulsory.
No calculators are permitted.
Externally assessed
Paper 2
1 hour 45 minutes
75 marks 50%
Algorithms, Programming and Logic
Short-answer and structured questions and a scenario-based question
All questions are compulsory.
All questions are compulsory.
No calculators are permitted.
Externally assessed

Assessment Objective Computer Science-0984

Cambridge designed assessment objective A01 to analyze and understand the basic rules and fundamental concepts.
After understanding the fundamental concepts, I prepared myself for A02 assessment objects that demand applying the basic rules and conceptual knowledge to understand the problem-solving tips and implement them in the programming language.
For the A03 assessment object, I prepared myself to implement the tips I had learned in problem-solving. With this skill, I can make reasoned judgments and also learn to present results. 

Assessment Objective Weighting Computer Science-0984

Cambridge introduced the assessment weightage for each assessment objective. Its specimen is assessed with respect to A01 for 40%,  A02 for 40% and A03 for 20%. Each paper holds individual weightage for each assessment objective. This assessment weighing enables me to prepare a complete syllabus according to the given assessment objectives. I make partitions of the complete syllabus and plan my schedule accordingly. I made a timetable for which topics I should prepare for A01, A02 and A03. 

See also  Cambridge IGCSE Art and Design-0989- UK Past papers
Assessment objectiveWeighting in IGCSE %Paper 1Paper 2
AO1 406020
AO2 402060
AO3 202020


No, there are no specific software requirements. Students can choose any IDE for programming.

I cover the whole specimen within three days by following given below tips

  1. Going through specimen
  2. Doing the past papers
  3. Re-reading and Re-writing

No, you can easily gain high scores in the final examination with little effort. To achieve high grades you have to prepare previous year exams.

It is probably difficult to cover its specimens, and it is sometimes considered challenging.

No, The syllabus for both subjects is the same. The basic difference between them is the grading threshold