Are IGCSE Accounting 0985 CIE (Cambridge) Past papers important?

The IGCSE Accounting 0985 CIE specimen is designed for students with basic accounting concepts. Cambridge CIE will conduct the IGCSE Accounting 0985 ICE exams in May, June, October, and November. I prepared myself for the final examination with the help of previous exams. I learned about modern economic concepts and business strategies from past papers in its specimen. Its specimen consists of both theory and practical examination. I also learned how accounting plays a role in developing any business and preparing specimens from last year’s exams.

IGCSE Accounting 0985 ICE Past Paper



















The previous year’s exams were arranged in such a way that enabled me to do well in the final examination. Its exams are conducted three times yearly, in March, May, and October. The student must choose the month to appear in the annual examination. There are exams arranged according to assessment modules like A1, A2, and A3 in the form of Paper 1, and Paper 2 so that students can prepare for them and achieve high scores in the final examination.

The Assessment methodologies enable me to prepare for the final examination for IGCSE through CIE. Its specimen is assessed utilizing theoretical and practical methods with the help of the previous year’s papers. I can implement the topics I learned and improve my skills. Practical implementations of learned skills helped me a lot in my practical experience. CIE conducts annual examinations for student facilities in May_June and Oct_Nov. IGCSE Accounting 0985 past papers enable me to learn different fundamental prospects.

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Some of the important topics that I analyzed through its past papers are basic accounting concepts, financial statements, budgeting, forecasting, inventory valuation, bank reconciliation and control accounts. I prepare all these concepts to achieve high grades in the final examination. These topics also enable me to understand the paper pattern. I classified these concepts into theoretical and practical categories individually, so I could easily prepare them accordingly. After understanding these topics, I can implement them in my practical life.

With a deep understanding of bank reconciliation, I can easily manage bank accounts and prepare financial transactions. I can prepare a balance sheet and leger to manage accounts. These concepts also enable me to do well in running my business accurately and earning profit. I can also manage all inventories to maintain the balance sheet and can manage profit and loss. I can also improve my profit percentage with the help of these concepts.

I used the previous year’s exams held by CIE to do well in the final examination. I first prepare basic concepts from the previous year’s exams. I was keen to learn about bookkeeping, basic standards, its principles, auditing, depreciation, and data analysis. I can go into different fields, such as auditing and data analysis, using these concepts. To prepare for the annual examination, I designed essential topics, discussed them with teachers, and tested my knowledge with the help of last year’s exams. The previous year’s exams helped me get high scores in the final examinations. With the help of last year’s exams, I learned about the critical concepts of specimens.