Cambridge | IGCSE Economics-0987 Past papers 📄

Cambridge IGCSE Economics-0987’s past papers helped me prepare its syllabus, especially repeated topics. I followed the marking scheme of IGCSE Economics-0987 to gain high scores in the final examination. Assessment modules are also helpful tools to prepare for the final examination as they contain information about the number of papers and content information from which each paper is assessed. Its syllabus is the same as Economics-0455. The main difference between them is the grading scale. 

 The grading scale of Economics-0455 is A to G, while the grading scale of Economics-0987 is 9 to 1. I prepared this subject with the help of past papers because past papers are helpful sources for gaining high grades.

Download Cambridge IGCSE Economics-0987 Past papers.

Assessment Overview

This subject is assessed with the help of two papers. In paper A students have to stay focused on the objective MCQ’a-based questions. In this paper, all questions are compulsory; students must attempt to complete the paper without any choice. For paper 2 I prepare topical content. In this paper, students have to attempt structure questions. There is a choice of one question in this paper. 

Paper 1 45 minutes
Multiple Choice30%
30 marks
Candidates answer all 30 questions
Candidates answer all 30 questions.
Paper 2 2 hours 15 minutes
Structured Questions70%
90 marks
Candidates answer one compulsory question and three questions from a choice of four.
Externally assessed

Assessment Objective Economics-0987

The assessment objectives (AOs) proposed by Cambridge to analyze the syllabus and judge their capabilities. These objects help students to polish their skills. After qualifying in these objects they could explore their career in this field. 

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AO1 Knowledge and understanding 

  • Candidates should be able to show knowledge and understanding of economic definitions, formulas, concepts, and theories 
  •  use economic terminology. 

AO2 Analysis Candidates should be able to:

  •  select, organize, and interpret data  
  • use economic information and data to recognize patterns and to deduce relationships 
  • apply economic analysis to written, numerical, diagrammatic, and graphical data 
  • analyze economic issues and situations, identifying and developing links. 

AO3 Evaluation Candidates should be able to: 

  • evaluate economic information and data  
  • distinguish between economic analysis and unreasoned statements  
  • recognize the uncertainties of the outcomes of economic decisions and events 
  • logically communicate economic thinking.

Assessment Weightage.

Assessment weightage is the percentage of each item that contributes to the percentage of each subject and helps students gain high scores in the final examination. The assessment weightage of Economics-0987 enabled me to achieve high scores after analyzing which content should be focused more. It also enabled me to understand the important content of its syllabus and also understand the objective of each assessment. 

Assessment objectiveWeighting in IGCSE %
AO1 Knowledge and understanding40
AO2 Analysis40
AO3 Evaluation20

Assessment objectives are a percentage of each component. Each component has a different Weighting. The weighting of each component is presented in percentage form, which enabled me to achieve high scores on the final examination. I prepare each component according to its weighting. A01 and A02 assessment objectives assess Paper 1 while A01, A02, and A03 assess Paper 2.

Assessment objective
Paper 1Paper 2
AO1 Knowledge and understanding5035
AO2 Analysis5035
AO3 Evaluation30

Command Words

Command words and meanings help candidates know what is expected from them in the exams. The table below includes command words used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will relate to the subject context. 

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Command wordWhat it means
Analyseexamine in detail to show meaning, identify elements and the relationship between them
Calculatework out from given facts, figures or information
Definework out from given facts, figures, or information
Describestate the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features
Discusswrite about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way
Explainset out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things evident / provide why and/or how and support with relevant evidence
Giveproduce an answer from a given source or recall/memory
Stateexpress in clear terms


The difference between these two subjects is the difference in grading scales. The grading scale of Economics-0455 is A to G while the grading scale of Economics-0987 is 9 to 1

To gain a 9 you should have clear understanding of basic theoretical concepts.

No, you can easily gain high scores in the final examination with little effort. To achieve high grades you have to prepare past papers.

It is probably difficult to cover its specimens, and it is sometimes considered challenging.